I will interview couple of people this week – I have connected with Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek, and I am preparing some questions to get his productivity tips how he could achieve the holy-grail, the 4-hour workweek. Penelope Trunk is also on my interview list this week. Penelope and I know each other a while back through number of posts she has done. She is a columnist of Boston Globe and the author of a new book – Brazen Careerist: New Rules for Success. I will get her insights on ground-breaking tips to get to the top of the business world. On top of all those, I am working with Tony Clark on another episode of our podcast. Stay tuned! Anyway, here are some coverages about lifehack.org recently:
Washington Post mentions Lifehack.org “One smart blog, Lifehack.org, offers “pointers on productivity” with plenty of kick-in-the-pants perspectives.” — Thanks Vickie! Top 15 Technology Blogs by Feed Subscribers Lifehack.org hits Technorati Popular Blogs Page! We are on number 79!
And some recaps on our last week posts:
10 simple ways to save yourself from messing up your life “Let go of worrying. It often makes things worse. The more you think about something bad, the more likely it is to happen.” Why Henry Ford Knew More Than “The Secret” “Positive thinking works not because of any cosmic or pseudo-scientific forces at work, but because our thinking can be one of the most crucial limits on our capabilities.” Cool Things You Can Do With Google “Smart Google users, on the other hand, know how to turn Google into a quick calculator, translate foreign sites, …” How to Launch a Business Without Spending a Dime “Don’t spend a single red cent that isn’t absolutely required when launching a new business! See if your idea works first, and then spend AFTER you’ve made your first sale!” How to Handle Criticism “Just because feedback is harsh, doesn’t mean it is an insult. An insult is a tactic of the other person to manipulate or bully you and doesn’t have anything to do with you.” Branding Your Blog for Success “Branding your blog will make clear to your readers what your blog is about. You want them to be able to put into words what your blog is all about.” 20 Productive Ways to Use Your Free Time “But it’s handy to have a list like this in order to quickly find a way to put that little spare time to work instantly, without any thought.” Top 10 Ways to Use del.icio.us “Here are 10 ways that you can use del.icio.us to its full potential.” How to Pare Your To-do List Down to the Essentials “If so, you may have too much on your plate. It’s time to step back, take a few minutes, and pare down that to-do list to just the bare essentials.”
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title: “Highlights News And Posts” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-10” author: “Ralph Sandoval”
How fear of failure destroys success How to Live on a Tight Budget Seven Little Known Tips for Getting in Shape Top 20 Free Applications to Increase Your Productivity 20 Ways to Use Gmail Filters 10+ Powerful Sales Concepts For Blogging Success How To Stay Motivated Make Voicemail a Production 17 Firefox Extensions That Make Blogging Easy Top 10 Microsoft Alternatives 10 Free Ways to Track All Your Passwords
Boyd Pearson and Eric Raymond at Unbound Edition features lifehack.org as one of their useful resources:
title: “Highlights News And Posts” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-18” author: “Andrea Collins”
Anyway, here are some popular posts from last week.
Your “personal stress detox program” Free Wireless Internet On Your Laptop – Through Your Cell Phone! 10 Ways to Use AutoHotKey to Rock Your Keyboard How to Pimp Out Your Desktop for Productivity 5 Uses for a Wiki at Work Increasing your Credibility in 30 days: How to Brag without Bragging That Whole Social Networking Thing 10 Steps to a Zen-like Working Environment How Not To Check Email At Work Lifehack.org Podcast Episode 7 – Trial By Fire Productivity Episode 2: Leon Ho Five Things to Pack for Travel
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title: “Highlights News And Posts” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-13” author: “Edward Noboa”
Other people are not broken . . . How To Design The Perfect Nap Hack Your Closet to Get the Right Job The Stand Up Desk Maximum Exposure for your Business or Blog 10 Diet Hacks to Keep You Slim & Trim The Cold Beer Hack Are you late?
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title: “Highlights News And Posts” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-12” author: “Rebecca Kling”
As an example, blogger Dustin Walper thinks this site changed his life, because of reading our useful productivity articles here daily. On the other news showing that lifehack is newsworthy, I have received an email from writer Cal Newport, who is working on a magazine article about the life hacker movement. He’s looking to talk to people under 30 who are interested in personal development, productivity, and related life hack interests. Cal is also the author of a number of books aimed at students who want to succeed at college. If you are:
Under 30, Interested in topics such as productivity, personal development, GTD, and various life hacks, and Have time to answer a few questions
…send Cal an e-mail, because I’m sure he’d love to talk to you. You can e-mail Cal at author@calnewport.com and just tell him you want to help. Here are some of the excellent posts from last week:
How to give yourself the best chance of a good life (Part 1) Web Publisher, Internet Author “To Don’t” List Open Source Life: How the open movement will change everything Motivational Quotes to Keep You Going Power Napping: How To Fall Asleep Anywhere Solutions for 7 Annoying Modern Day Problems 7 Deadly Mindsets that Hold You Back from Learning Effectively Eight Cheap Ways to Become Famous without Killing Anyone PocketMod For Every Occasion How To Brainstorm Domain Names
Any mention to lifehack.org? Tell us and keep them coming!
title: “Highlights News And Posts” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-18” author: “Jerry Fortenberry”
How to give yourself the best chance of a good life (Part 2) 14 Ways to Cultivate a Lifetime Reading Habit Eating For Energy Or For Stress Relief? The Two F-Words You Should Love A Guide to Becoming a Better Writer: 15 Practical Tips How Not To Suck At Socializing – Do’s & Don’ts An Unlikely FREE Collaboration Management App
Which topics do you want to read more about? Let us know through tips at lifehack.org or comment here. Recently we have new content at howto.lifehack.org and community forum – take a quick peek and see if they are useful to you!
title: “Highlights News And Posts” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-17” author: “Beverly Harper”
Success recipes most people know, but too few follow Reboot Your Brain With Practical Meditation Why You Need To Be A Toastmaster Overcome Procrastination Once and For All How To Initiate Conversation Genius – You Can Be One Too! 10 Tips to Study Smart and Save Time Sleep Your Way to Better Fitness Five LinkedIN Tips
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