Has Facebook become the new playground for digital socialites? Not everybody would agree to the notion, but the platform can definitely provide a nice venue to promote meaningful social interactions. This social network is especially nifty when keeping yourself updated with the happenings of friends and relatives living abroad. I have cultivated friendships through FB many times over. On the downside, Facebook has spawned a pipeline where everyone who has the urge to spy, track, or stalk someone or a group of people can do so without so much effort, and, yes, you can say they can unleash their plans hassle-free. In some areas, criminal elements have readily utilized social media platform to prey on innocent victims. Ultimately, the global community can say Facebook is like fire. If you proceed with wisdom, you can use harness it as a tool, but if you are not careful, you can accidentally burn yourself. Formulate your own view on social media by examining the infographic above, created by Online Dating University and AllFacebook. Featured photo credit: How Facebook affects you and your relationships/onlinedating.org via allfacebook.com