I think Happiness is your birth right, it is available to each and every one of us. But if this is true why does it elude so many? It eludes so many of us because our habits don’t support a life of harmony and happiness. I have heard it said that our collective habits determine the quality of our lives, in that case we need to ensure that our habits are positive and help us work towards creating an overall habit of happiness There are many constructive habits that will help bring us more joy While we know that all of these things contribute to our overall happiness why are so many of us still going around miserable? You probably already practice one if not more of these habits and maybe your overall level of happiness is still not where you would like it to be. If this is the case the missing ingredient is not what you do but how you do it. Are you giving these habits enough attention? Are you focusing on them with intensity and belief? What I see is that most people focus on a positive habit for a short time and then decide either consciously or sub consciously it’s not working and give it up. But if we were to have a plan and focus on the new habit intensely, what would happen then? Let’s take the habit of positive thinking and follow my habit method 1.Start with a plan Decide what you are going to do and when you are going to do it. 2. Commit to 31 days It is said to take between 21 and 31 days to form a new habit and make it part of your life. Commit to taking it on fully for at least a month 3. Use triggers to encourage the new habit Have set times to check your thoughts. First thing in the morning, before bed, set reminders on your phone. Put positive affirmations around the house, reminding you to think positive thoughts each time you see them 4. Record the benefits Remind yourself why you are doing it and what are the benefits for you and your life. 5. List the potential pitfalls Why hasn’t it worked before and what can you do to make it work this time? If there are people who drag you down avoid them, if the news depresses you, stop watching it. 6. Reward yourself Reward yourself with your achievements, if you complete a week; make sure you acknowledge the greatness of what you have done. Do something nice for yourself or go somewhere to celebrate. 7. Think you can You must believe that you can and you will form this new habit. Often we take on board a new habit, and deep inside we don’t believe we will actually do it. Don’t waste your own time – unless you really believe in yourself, don’t bother. Wait until you are feeling more positive and confident in your abilities Follow this Habit Method and bombard yourself with positive thoughts morning noon and night. Have a mantra or affirmation that you can say on waking and before sleeping, you can also use this for the times when you have a negative thoughts, replace the negative with your mantra. If you follow this advice you will be happier at the end of a month – guaranteed. Remember we get what we focus on, so focus on happiness and positivity. No place for negativity excuses and blame. Start next year by taking responsibility for your own future and make 2013 your best yet. Featured photo credit:  beautiful young woman opened her hands via Shutterstock