I have come to learn that the best time to approach with your product / service is when the potential customer is most vulnerable. The only problem with this is the fact that you may not always find your customer within a state of beneficial vulnerability. In a lot of circumstances, you will find yourself having to create the customer’s need for the product. Your going to initially think that this might come across as impossible or unlikely to happen. The fact is, just about anyone has the capability to create a customer vulnerability based on the current, or a past situation. Your going to find this most effective by resurfacing a dilemma relating to this particular product / service within your approach.

No one wants to mow when they are mowing

Understanding this method is the first step. The best example that I am able to provide you with, is regarding lawn mowing / property care. I learned very quickly that going door to door proved to be unsuccessful as most people think of property care as “a breeze” and are less likely to accept the services offered. With this being said, the best approach would be targeting the potential consumer when they’re most vulnerable. For this particular niche, the best time would be either; when the customer is mowing their lawn, or have a lawn that is overgrown. The reason that this person is vulnerable is that they are currently experiencing the tediousness involved in maintaining their lawn, or that they have already realized this and are procrastinating and putting it off. By approaching the customer during these times, it increases your likelihood of positive results.

I don’t want to do this

Very often we are assigned a task that we are completely uninterested in completing. Whether we are eager to complete it or not, it is required. Your most beneficial method of having this work completed, without actually doing it yourself, is having someone else do it. With this being said, someone else isn’t going to necessarily take this without any hesitation. The best method of reaching out to someone else and push away the task assigned to you is all in the approach. When we approach someone with a task, the last thing we want to do is focus on the tediousness involved. We want to ensure that the person we are approaching is under the assumption that we approached them due to the fact that they are the expert. We need to emphasize on the ability which this person possesses and that the reason we are coming to them with the task, is the fact that they are the best man for the job. When we talk someone up like this, it increases their self-worth. The fact that we are admiring the individual’s skills and assigning a responsibility, could push the individual to work hard and achieve much better results then originally expected.


We are often assigned tasks that we know would bring better results if the task is managed by someone else. Whether or not we get the work done by someone else is completely dependent on how we approach them with the project. We may also find ourselves looking to sell a service but having a hard time reaching customers. We are going to find this most beneficial and profitable when we are finding our customers in moments of weakness and when they are most vulnerable. By creating a need, or approaching when the customer is in a moment of need, we are most likely to receive positive results from our approaches.