Studies have found that the noisy environment on a plane can even compromise the way we actually taste food! It turns out that noisy surroundings can actually dull taste buds when sampling a sweet food and can intensify the ability to taste sour, bitter, and salty. Making matters worse, finding an appealing and edible option while traveling can be hard. Especially when airline food is already prepared prior to your flight. The food you eat while traveling was prepared well in advanced, chilled, and then stored until it is loaded on the flight. When food is reheated and served to passengers it begins to deteriorate. More often than not, you are served dry food that simply does not taste that great. Besides bringing your own food for your own peace of mind, there are a few options that taste good and are good for you. Here are a few suggestions for what type of food you should eat the next time your board a plane.

1.  Rice

When given the choice between rice and noodles, I would suggest you go with the rice option. Why? When rice is reheated, it tends to retain more moisture than noodles. Think of the last time you reheated a batch of noodles. Unlike rice, they tend to be dry and sticky. Rice also provides energy, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and provides a vital source of vitamin B1 to the body. Besides these benefits, rice is filling and leaves you satisfied when you’re hungry.

2.  Curry

It turns out that curry is an excellent choice when traveling. Regardless if the curry dish is a vegetable or meat dish, the spice is loaded with many benefits. What happens to your taste buds when you travel on airplane? Taste buds become less sensitive due to dry and high pressure conditions created in an aircraft. Curry is known to simulate our appetite and it even remains palatable after reheating. Besides the resilient flavor of curry, this spice has many benefits that keep people coming back for more. Curry powder also has antibacterial properties. When curry powder is mixed with coriander it can help stave off E. coli and other intestinal infections. By keeping your gut healthy while traveling, you can ward off any potentials for illness during your travels.

3.  Chicken

When selecting a meat option while traveling, stick with chicken. It tends to reheat better than beef or sausage products and keeps its freshness when compared to seafood. By selecting chicken as your meat option, you are saying yes to a high protein source that comes loaded with important vitamins and minerals for your body. Chicken contains vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium. Furthermore, it also contains vitamin A, which is beneficial to eye health.


Eating healthy while traveling isn’t always the easiest choice to make. Some foods may seem healthier than other options available, but when push comes to shove, choosing foods that are edible and palatable are also necessary. Let’s be honest here, who enjoys consuming food that doesn’t taste good? I know I don’t. When faced with food choices while traveling, choose rice over noodles, a curry dish, and chicken as a meat option. These selections will set yourself up for a healthy, tasty, and vitamin rich meal to carry you through your travels. Featured photo credit: Gerrie van der Walt via