Part of her letter reads: Ultimately, children should be able to choose their own interests, not be forced to follow an outdated, ill-fitting script. Ryder suggests that their children’s clothing should be put into one section of the catalog, not divided between a boys’ and girls’ sections, as at this stage, their bodies are not that different. So, Lands’ End corporate, how should I respond to my daughter’s question? In 2014, why are you selling “mighty” tees for boys and “adorable” tees for girls? (Descriptions taken straight from your marketing copy.) My daughter is mighty and she loves science. And until you recognize that it’s not only boys that can fit that description, I’m afraid our family will no longer be shopping in your stores. What do you think about Ryder’s response to the company? Is it a worthy criticism of the reinforcement of gender stereotypes? Respond below!