We’re also best friends and continue to enhance our lives together.  Most of all, we are deeply in love.  Take it from me- when you’ve found the right woman, your life will change.  Too often we’ve analyzed who that perfect partner will be, despite ignoring the reality that we too are imperfect. But, that’s the beauty of it.  After all, we are all just people.  When you find Miss Right, they get to know you better than you even know yourself.  It really is true.  When a man has found the right woman, these 10 amazing things will happen.  They happened to me.

1.  You will share unique experiences.

My wife and I share experiences that are totally unique to us.  Our life experiences are special and we go through challenges together, as a team.  The right woman is the only one able to share those unique experiences so personally.  She will help you and you will help her.  One is not more powerful than the other.

2.  You will learn from one another.

I’ve learned so much from my wife.  She has taught me things about myself that I did not know or see.  We’ve learned how to better cope with life’s toughest challenges.  With the right woman, you will be open to receiving her message and attentive in what she has to say.  After all, you are going to spend the rest of your life learning from one another.

3.  You will build a solid foundation of trust.

I’m not only talking about basic trust, but a deeper level of trust.  When you’ve found the right woman, you will have a mutual understanding of one another.  You will both be honest with each other because it’s the right thing to do.  The right woman will respect you so much that she will be honest and forthcoming.  She will expect the same from you.

4.  Your thought patterns will align.

I’m still amazed by this.  My wife and I really do finish our sentences.  We also begin to think about the world and approach problems in similar ways.  Individual experiences often become our unique experiences.  We may not always agree with one another, but the right woman will see the value in your point of view.  She will value the person you are.

5.  Your goals will merge.

The right woman is open to discussing what is and what is not important in your life.  She will seek to get to know you better to make sure that both your needs are being met.   She believes that you both have individual goals but are on the same page when it comes to improving your lives.  You will both share a beautiful vision of your future together.

6.  Your love will continue to grow.

I used to think I couldn’t love my wife more than I already did.  The more you get to know the right woman, the more you will love her for who she is.  You accept her imperfections and she accepts yours.  As you continue to experience more of life together, your love will continue to thrive right along with it.  Love has no limits or boundaries and the right woman will prove that.

7.  You will laugh, a lot.

If your relationship or marriage does not have laughter in it, you have found the wrong woman.  Laughter really is the window to someone’s soul.  My wife and I laugh until our cheeks hurt.  We cry sometimes too, but the laughter reminds us of what’s really important.  Some of our best memories are funny stories that only we can relate to.  The right woman will love to laugh with you.

8.  You will learn to compromise.

When you’ve found the right woman, the little stuff just won’t matter as much.  No longer will you care where the toothbrush is or how the trash is taken out.  It may still bug you a little but doesn’t really matter.  There are too many other things to worry about when you’ve found the right woman.  You will also learn how to negotiate with one another to find out what’s really important to both of you.

9.  Your priorities will change.

As you make your journey together, your individual as well as the relationship’s priorities will change.  With the right woman, she will be open to those changes as you both navigate through the tough times.  You both will accept these changes over time.  As you get older, you realize you truly are in this together- in sickness AND in health.

10.  You will highly respect one another.

I’m not talking about some sort of hierarchy of respect.  Quite the opposite.  This goes along with love- you value each other so much that you wouldn’t dare to truly hurt one another.  The right woman respects you as a man.  You respect her as a woman.  The right relationship requires just that- a mutual respect for another person as your equal. Of course, this isn’t an exhaustive list of everything that will happen to you (my wife would kill me if our marriage was boiled down to a top 10 list).  Mostly, we love one another unconditionally and view ourselves as equal partners.  We’re in this together. You know that you’ve found the right woman when you wake up every morning smiling, knowing the love of your life is laying there right next to you.  There’s going to be a lot more of those special mornings.  And I can’t wait.