However, as much as we’d all like to think we’re impervious to the pitfalls of our work environments, the majority of us are prone to make a mistake from time to time. That being said, we all have the power to control how we behave and deal with certain less-than-ideal circumstances. One of the ways in which we can achieve success in the work place is through effective communication. I’ve had to learn this the hard way with my first job (considering I had difficulty communicating with upper management), but ever since, I’ve grown to understand it’s one of the essential components of getting ahead in your career. So if you think communication may be an issue hindering you from being successful in your work place, reflect on the following things you should never say while at work and make it a point to avoid these six verbal bloopers.

1. Curse words

It should be a no-brainer to understand it’s not professional to use foul language at work, but you would be surprised by how many seemingly successful people still do. While most of us do use curse words quite often (I’ll admit, I’m guilty of it), it’s a smart idea to leave the potty mouth at home when you’re headed off to the work place. Not only does using curse words show a lack of regard for appropriate behavior, but it also diminishes the respect others have for you. I’m not wrong in saying we admire our authority figures more when they aren’t dropping F-bombs every five minutes.

2. “I’m busy right now”

It’s not that you can’t be honest and tell your boss you’re too busy to do a project or task they assign you. However, that “I’m busy” should always be followed up by an offer to start the assignment later on. “I’m busy at the moment, but I’ll do my best to finish up soon so I can get started on this job” sounds a lot better, doesn’t it?

3. Your nightlife escapades

It’s no secret that we all like to have fun. Some more so than others, but most of us enjoy a good night out on the town with our girls, boys, or romantic partners – especially after a long workweek. But when Monday rears its ugly head around again, the “play hard” portion of our lives needs to be kept separated from the “work hard” aspect. Saying things like “I’m so hung over” and “I got so wasted over the weekend” to your co-workers or, God-forbid, your bosses, is going to paint a negative image of you as someone who’s irresponsible and reckless even if you’re not. And who wants to give a raging party animal an upper management position? No one, that’s who.

4. “That’s not possible”

I’m sorry, did you just tell me something is impossible? Cue the “Oh no she didn’t!” In my eyes, nothing is ever unfeasible. Things only seem that way when they require hard work and intensive research in order to complete the task at hand. As harsh as it sounds, the idea of impossibility is a mark of laziness or unwillingness on the responsible party’s part to do the required work. It may be difficult and you may not like the task you were given, but that doesn’t mean it’s not do-able. It just means that you’ve got to roll up your sleeves and get crackin’.

5. Gossip

Again, your personal life needs to act like your pet and stay the heck at home when you leave for work. “Did you hear about Britney and Justin?” No and frankly my dear I don’t care. Gossip is something we all need to disengage in, even outside the workplace. It’s tough, I understand, but just think of how it feels when you realize someone’s been gossiping about you. I bet you’d think twice before saying anything more if you saw yourself in that situation.

6. Negative thoughts

As a reformed pessimist, I should know better than anyone that this is one of the worst things you can express at work. I used to think I was just being honest, but really I was being unprofessional when I would tell my co-workers how terrible my mornings were going. It sounds awful, but no one likes an Eeyore. That’s not to say be disingenuous, but be cautious about the way you act around others and the things you disclose to those you work with. After all, you never know who may be listening. I guarantee that adopting a positive perspective will bring you more opportunities for success than dragging about that persistent storm cloud. Featured photo credit: mic/Robert Bejil via

You Should Never Say These Six Things If You Want To Be Successful At Work - 23You Should Never Say These Six Things If You Want To Be Successful At Work - 17You Should Never Say These Six Things If You Want To Be Successful At Work - 16You Should Never Say These Six Things If You Want To Be Successful At Work - 28You Should Never Say These Six Things If You Want To Be Successful At Work - 54